Community Scholarships
In addition to the scholarships that are overseen by the Community Foundation, these additional scholarships and ways to find funding made possible by the generosity of families and organizations in the Elkhart County community:
- Catherine Wolf Scholarship – Elkhart Community Schools
- Edward M. Ludwick Memorial Scholarship (High School) – Little Flower Parish South Bend
- Elizabeth D. Thorne AAUW Scholarship (High School) – Central and Memorial HS
- Elkhart Central H.S. Commemorative Scholarship
- Goshen Rotary Scholarship
- Holcomb Family Scholarship – Trinity United Methodist
- Janice Gawthrop 4-H Scholarship
- Joe C. & Mary Louise Rice Scholarship – Elkhart Community Schools
- June Deal Memorial Scholarship – Trinity United Methodist
- Kiwanis Club of Elkhart – Leonard Johnson Scholarship
- Phillip S. Preston Memorial Scholarship (Download application)
- Rollie Hoover Memorial Scholarship – Elkhart County Wrestling
Local Dollars for Scholars
- Concord High School Dollars for Scholars
- Elkhart High School Dollars for Scholars
- Goshen High School Dollars for Scholars
- Northridge High School Dollars for Scholars