Support Connect in Elkhart County
Support Connect in Elkhart County
Connect in Elkhart County is an initiative housed at the Community Foundation of Elkhart County that brings government, non-profit and community stakeholders together around a vision of equitable, networked infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.
As of 2022 our county had 68 miles of low-stress streets and trails. We aim to both connect and grow this network to 130 miles over the next 10 years. As a community, we can learn from the decades of work it took to craft the Pumpkinvine. Elkhart is building up its riverfront and the River District. Nappanee and Wakarusa are working on a trail connection. Middlebury is adding trails in addition to the Pumpkinvine.
The Community Foundation has pledged funding for this effort, but we also need community support. Your tax-deductible donation is an investment in the development and activation of Elkhart County’s trail network.
To learn more about this effort and Connect in Elkhart County, contact Brittany Short, project director, at (574) 295-8761 or [email protected].
For more information about this initiative visit: