Bontrager Family foundation


Even before Jayco Inc. was founded in 1968, Lloyd and Bertha Bontrager were dedicated to tithing and giving to charitable causes. Throughout Jayco’s decades of production and growth in Middlebury, the family always remained committed to tithe (a biblical practice of giving 10 percent) from its profits. The family often supported Mennonite schools, colleges, universities, church organizations as well as national, international and local charities.

The Bontrager Family Foundation allows the family to continue its tradition of giving. Family members will advise where to give gifts from the foundation and use the fund as an instrument to accomplish their charitable goals. Their culture of philanthropy will impact the success of many nonprofits serving Elkhart County.

Read their full story.

Values and Priorities

Along with Community Foundation staff, Bontrager family advisors will focus on making a measurable impact on local and regional organizations that share the same value system instilled deep into their family heritage.  These values include:

  • Christian faith-based organizations
  • Youth and family
  • The Middlebury community

How to Apply

All grant applications must be submitted online. Our online application will save your answers if you keep your browser open and don’t shut down your computer, but it’s best if you fill out the form in one sitting. This guide will help you prepare to do so.

First, you and your team should discuss your organization’s needs. Your organization should carefully consider the values and priorities of the Bontrager family as guidelines for proposals and submissions. Applications that more closely adhere to these guidelines have a much higher chance of being funded.

The Bontrager Family Fund grants to organizations or programs whose missions are broadly related to the Middlebury community, serve youth and family and/or are faith-based. Organizations requesting grant funds must have 501(c)(3) designation in the United States. Typically, grants are awarded to Elkhart County serving organizations with programs and services that have an impact locally.

The Bontrager Family Fund does not provide funds to:

  • Non-501(c)3 organizations
  • Fundraisers
  • Individuals
  • Organizations primarily engaged in lobbying or political activity

SIZE OF GRANTS: In 2022, the average grant award was $12,500 with awards ranging from $1,500 to $30,000. We often make grants to multiple organizations in a single cycle. The most important consideration is that the size of your request is in line with the scope of the project you are proposing.

Applications are due on May 31 and October 31 each year and awards will happen after each deadline.

Applications received after each deadline will be considered during the next funding cycle.

A Strong Proposal Is:

SHORT. We have a particular interest in serving Elkhart County residents and do not wish to unintentionally penalize organizations that may have less-developed grant-writing capabilities. We want you to focus on your mission, not applications.

SPECIFIC. We are much more likely to award a project-based grant than to simply join in contributing to a larger “pot of money” (e.g., a major fundraiser or a capital campaign).

A Strong Proposal Addresses:

  • What do you want to do?
  • Who needs it, and why?
  • How will you measure the progress/success of the project?
  • If relevant, do you intend to secure sustained funding from another source? How can we partner with you to help you succeed at this step?
  • Your organization’s intended use of the funds. You may include a budget (.pdf, .doc, .xls) with your application to allow us to see your allotment of funds.
Once you have carefully considered and compiled the relevant information, you should complete the application. Applications received after each deadline will be considered during the next funding cycle. You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. After the family advisors have met and decided, the Community Foundation will contact each applicant regarding his or her respective results. There is presently no limit to how many grants you may submit or the number of times you may apply.

Contact Us

Carrie Berghoff

Carrie Berghoff

Chief Development Officer

[email protected]
(574) 295-8761