
The nonprofit sector attracts leaders and employees who want to make a difference. They bring energy, passion, and skills, as well as a desire to fulfill the mission of their agency that serves the community.

It can be natural to think that these qualities make nonprofit leaders and employees indefatigable. Yet the very motivations that fuel them can also lead to burnout.  To sustain personal health, and the ability to live into their mission, this issue has to be halted and reversed. 

This workshop will provide opportunities for questions and will feature discussion on:

  • What burnout really is, how and why it happens, and why we don’t often recognize it until it’s too late.
  • How burnout looks different in the nonprofit sector, and why that’s important.
  • Common physiological, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of nonprofit burnout.
  • Surviving and recovering from burnout as a nonprofit leader or employee.

About our speaker:

Marcus Fila is a speaker, researcher, and consultant on reducing work stress, burnout, and unwanted employee turnover. His interest in these subjects developed during ten years in business development and senior executive recruitment positions in the United States and Great Britain. As a headhunter, he was “paid to make turnover happen,” and quickly found that unaddressed forms of work stress, and the resultant burnout and feeling of wanting to quit were at the root of many of his successful assignments. However, Marcus became more interested in fixing the mess caused by excessive and unnecessary work stress and burnout than simply moving people away from it, and onto another potentially broken situation. 

He made a career switch to be a speaker, researcher, and consultant on these issues; and is also an Associate Professor of Management at Hope College, as well as the director of their Leadership Minor program. Marcus’ research has been published in leading international journals and book volumes, and he regularly speaks on these issues at conferences, and to companies and foundations. He regularly works with leaders in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.

Marcus holds a Ph.D. in Leadership and Organizational Analysis from Western Michigan University, an M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Ohio University, and an M.B.A. from Kingston Business School, London, UK. His website is


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Event Agenda

The Community Foundation of Elkhart County is focused on improving the quality of life in Elkhart County by inspiring generosity.