We are focused on education, pathways to careers and lifelong learning.
To improve the quality of life for Elkhart County residents by generating, developing and supporting career advancement and educational opportunities.
Areas of Emphasis:
- K-12 Career Awareness & Exploration
- K-12 Internships & Apprenticeships
- Post-Secondary Access
- Talent Development, Attraction & Retention
Where We Invest

Internship and apprenticeship programs

Pipeline of education to career

Post-secondary college access

Skills/trade certificate and college programming

Talent attraction and retention

Transition programs

Vocation and career development

Workforce development
Story Highlight
How one family has invested everything in Elkhart.
The Johnson family has been a mainstay of Elkhart and its members have been generous investors in the community through the years.
If we treated people like stocks in the stock market, Leonard W. Johnson, Jr. was like Berkshire Hathaway. He was a great investment. He graduated high school at age 14, the youngest graduate in Elkhart Community Schools history. He went on to get his Doctor of Medicine degree from Howard University, walking before his 23rd birthday. He tacked on a Master’s Degree in Public Health from Harvard University just a few years later. While maintaining a private practice and residency at a hospital was the more traditional path, it wasn’t enough for Leonard. He felt that he was missing something.
The idea application
We have decreased the amount of time it will take you to apply, just submit your idea through our brief online application to our grants team.
Our team will sort through the application, put it in the right category, and get back to you in 7-10 business days.
Your application seamlessly moves through our system and we'll be in touch with you concerning next steps.
Application Downloads
Tips for Grant Seekers
Be clear about the population you serve.
When you construct your application be sure to specify the exact population you’re planning to serve with the grant dollars. Knowing your specific audience helps us to understand how your monies will be used and who will benefit.Be clear about why this application is important.
We understand your grant application is an important one, but it’s imperative that you make a compelling case about it. Tell us why your project is impactful and unique; how it truly moves the needles here in Elkhart County.Know what your “like” organizations are in the community and the work they do.
It’s not just important to have a great project; it’s important that your project fits in the landscape of Elkhart County and serves a unique niche. Be sure to know other organizations like yours and how they differ from yours.When appropriate, collaborate with other like nonprofits.
Collaboration always makes for the best results and that’s equally true in terms of the non-profit landscape. Finding ways to collaborate with other strong organizations is looked at positively by our team.Make sure you have a project budget.
Targeted totals help keep your project on task and help our committee members understand the scope of your project.Be specific on how grant monies will be spent.
It’s very important to understand exactly how you’ll be spending the grant monies. This isn’t a bureaucratic roadblock; it’s the sort of financial responsibility that makes the Community Foundation uniquely good at making an impact.Be clear about your goals.
We don’t just want to understand what you need and how you operate… we want to understand what you hope to achieve. If you partner with the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, what can our county expect as a result?Have a plan on how you will fund this project ongoing, if applicable.
It’s important that your project is sustainable, with or without a grant. If your project requires a consistent investment (beyond this first award), how exactly do you intend to ensure continued funding at an appropriate level?Be concise (we encourage brevity); check your spelling and punctuation (twice!)
Keep it short and sweet.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Our grant response team has put together a list of frequently asked questions that our grantees have during the process. Take a look through those questions before you contact the support team.
Organizations classified as non-profit tax-exempt public charities by the Internal Revenue Service. Most will be identified as a 501(c)(3), however, a few other institutions such as public entities, Schools*, Municipalities*, Libraries, and Chambers of Commerce may also qualify.
(*) Due to the number of departments, schools, and clubs within each school corporation and our municipalities; the Community Foundation requires all applications be approved by the highest ranking official within your governing body (i.e. superintendent’s or mayoral office) before an idea application may be submitted.
Our Team
Our program officers are available to help answer questions, give feedback, and help shape your grant request to be sure you have the best chance to serve Elkhart County in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Candy Yoder
Chief Program Officer
As Chief Program Officer, Candy Yoder oversees all the grant making processes at the Community Foundation of Elkhart County and…
Amanda Jamison
Senior Program Officer
As Senior Program Officer at the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, Amanda Jamison supports efforts to improve career advancement and…